<![CDATA[Todd Douglas Online.com - Blog]]>Mon, 25 Mar 2024 14:36:45 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[​Election 2024: What Really Matters]]>Sat, 23 Mar 2024 17:47:28 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/election-2024-what-really-mattersThe two political parties which have ruled America for the past two centuries have decided which two politicians we may choose from for the office of president.  They have decided that we once again can pick one of the same two geriatrics as we got four years ago.   The campaign promises to be ugly, with the faithful on both sides angry and believing that our entire way of life hangs in the balance.
The Republicans will say that the skyrocketing prices for the basics of life, inflation, and crippling interest rates are the fault of President Biden and that the current instability in world affairs is the result of his mental and moral weakness.  Ignoring the role played by other agencies, congress, our nation’s militarism, and our insane foreign policy, which remains largely unchanged regardless of which party holds the White House.
The Democrat party tells us that if Donald Trump wins, it will spell “the end of American democracy.”  This begs the question; if Trump or anyone else wins a free and fair election, how does that “end democracy?”  More significantly, if that is true, and Donald Trump can become a dictator the moment he assumes office, then “American democracy” is already dead. What Democrats are revealing – accurately, but without realizing it – is that the office of president has amassed so much unchecked power as to become a sort of elected dictator.  This is a correct assessment; see my last column for a discussion of the imperial presidency.  American democracy as most of us understand it, died decades ago.
Whichever man is elected, he will be able to issue unconstitutional decrees and laws, perpetrate acts of war and assassination around the world, persecute his political opponents via the IRS and Justice Department, spy on Americans without a warrant, detain citizens indefinitely without trial, and control the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars to benefit his friends and donors.  Rather than acknowledge the lawless nature of our government, this election’s central argument will be that whether you elect the nursing home patient or the elderly, swaggering orange man, “Our” guy will use those powers for good, while “Their” guy will use them for evil.
The real problem is that no one can be trusted with such power; especially anyone who seeks it out.  Several things will be different according to who gets elected, but the things that are most important and in need of change will remain the same.  While the American people occupy themselves with indignant rage over pronouns, whose lives matter, having abortions, owning a gun, and proper bathroom policies for transvestites, our liberties and our money are being stolen right in front of us and our foreign policy is leading toward war.  Without our freedom and our money, we all will suffer the consequences of the rise of tyranny, no matter by what name your call your political views.
Congress & The Deep State
The American congress no longer represents the American people.  Each member of the House has about 700,000 constituents; far more than anyone could hope to accurately represent.  They spend vastly more time raising money than crafting legislation and their continuation in office depends upon catering to their donors – not the citizens they ostensibly represent.  Ninety-one percent of congressional elections are won by the candidate with the most money.  Since fully two-thirds of campaign money comes from just 0.2 percent of the population, it is to those very few that congressmen and women owe they fidelity.  A Princeton University study examined twenty years’ worth of data on whether public opinion influenced the chances of legislation becoming law.  The study found that it did not – at all.  The findings read, “…the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”[i]
The congress is hopelessly corrupt.  Not only do they shill for whomever gives them campaign cash, they are permitted to buy and sell stocks in the companies that they either oversee, or that their votes directly impact.  A New York times analysis uncovered 97 lawmakers or their family members who, over a three-year period traded in financial assets in industries affected by their work in legislative committees.[ii]   These corrupt politicians come from both political parties.  This is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  This insider trading is to say nothing about the legislation that benefits their corporate masters, or the grant money that gets funneled to their donors or to other organizations that then hire their family members at exorbitant salaries and no-show jobs, the “gifts” from lobbyists and conflicts of interest that are rampant in The Swamp.  For a list of just the things they got caught at, click here
In addition to failing to represent their constituents, and being on the take, congress has ceded nearly all its authority to the executive branch.  Rather than pass laws for which they can be held accountable, the congress has given that power to the dozens of executive branch agencies that are charged with directing our lives.  Federal laws are now issued by decree of faceless bureaucrats at the FAA, FDA, FCC, ICC, OSHA, DOE, EPA, DOA, DHS, EEOC, HUD, DOI, DOL, DOT, and the list goes on.  Together, these agencies have compiled an utterly incomprehensible 163,000-page volume of laws.[iii] There are more than 300,000 federal crimes on the books[iv], and the list grows yearly.  The result is that, in the words of Retired Louisiana State University law professor John Baker, “[t]here is no one in the United States over the age of eighteen who cannot be indicted for some federal crime.[v]" Congress has even ceded its authority to print money to a private bank – the Federal Reserve - controlled by an unelected board of governors.
So next time you watch your preferred political news outlet; say, MSNBC or Fox News, notice that virtually every piece of “news” is designed to either make you mad or scare you.  The role of the corporate news media is to distract you from your national government’s corruption and criminality.  The next time you find yourself angrily muttering at your television because someone was misgendered or sent home from school because they wore a MAGA hat, maybe think about the money the Federal Reserve is printing that drains away more of your money’s value with every passing day.  You might choose to be outraged that your sons (all of whom must register for the draft) have been pledged to fight wars all over the planet; your government has issued war guarantees to nearly forty countries on six continents.[vi]  Maybe instead of watching two people shout at each other over whether some uptight baker should be forced to prepare a cake for a gay wedding, we should be watching what our federal officials are doing in our name; bombing Syria, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, and sending soldiers to fight in Niger, Syria, and Uganda to name just a few.  Perhaps ask MSNBC or Fox News could inquire how a president can invade or commit acts of war against the nations of the earth without the constitutionally required declaration of war from the people’s representatives in congress.  Instead of making national news about a pornographic book in an elementary school library, the “journalists” at these networks could ask why, after 70 years, we have not negotiated an end to the Korean War, and still have 40,000 American troops on the border of North Korea.  How about starting a national conversation about why we and the Russians each still have more than 5,000 atomic weapons[vii] – many on hair-trigger alert – and why our government never speaks of nuclear arms reduction.
No matter who wins in November, the other side will claim the election was illegitimate.  Congress will attempt to impeach the new president in his first term.  The Federal Reserve will continue to print currency not backed by gold or silver and further devalue the money held by ordinary citizens.  The national debt will continue to increase.  Our country will continue to garrison imperial troops around the planet and commit acts of war and assassination without the consent of the people or their elected representatives.  Taxing the incomes of ostensibly free citizens will continue and the tax code will remain an unreformed and incomprehensible 2.4 million-word[viii] abomination.  The federal government will continue passing more laws to further criminalize anything a free citizen might do and will repeal none.  Congress will funnel billions of our dollars to their political backers and to corrupt regimes abroad.  The Justice Department, IRS[ix], CIA[x], and the FBI[xi] will continue to persecute enemies of the regime or of their own choosing.  The state intelligence apparatus will continue unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens.  The United States will continue to lead the world in percentage of its people held in prison[xii].  Congress will continue to run the country for the benefit of multinational corporations over the interests of American citizens.  The military-industrial-congressional complex will continue to thrive.  Government will grow and liberty will shrink.
Americans must stop allowing themselves to be divided into separate groups by politicians, competing for special treatment from a morally bankrupt government.  We must reject divisive language; there is no Asian, black, white, Hispanic, or other “community,” There is only our shared human and American experience.  We all share the same basic values, breathe the same air, labor under the same government, emerged from the same history, and cherish our children’s future.  We must unite to reform the government and justice system, dismantle our military empire, impose term limits on congress, and return political power to the citizenry.  Then, perhaps, we can argue about pronouns and bathrooms and wedding cakes.  Until then, to paraphrase President Kennedy, I say, ask not how the government should decide which bathroom people should use; ask what you can do to reform your lawless government.

[i] Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564–581. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1537592714001595

[ii] Kelly, K., Playford, A., & Parlapiano, A. (2022, September 13). Stock trades reported by nearly a fifth of Congress show possible conflicts. nytimes.com. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-stock-trading-investigation.html

[iii] Crain, W. Mark. The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms. Rep. no. 264. Washington, DC: Small Business Administration, 2005. Small Business Research Summary. Small Business Administration. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

[iv] John C. Coffee Jr., Does "Unlawful" Mean "Criminal?": Reflections on the Disappearing Tort/Crime Distinction in American Law, 71 B. U. L. Rev. 193 (1991).
Available at: https://scholarship.law.columbia.edu/faculty_scholarship/527

[v] Fields, G., & Ermshwiller, J. (2011, July 23). Many failed efforts to count nation’s federal criminal laws. wsj.com. Retrieved March  19, 2024, from https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304319804576389601079728920

[vi] The United States is pledged to go to war for any of the 32 NATO member states, along with other nations, including Japan, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and more nebulous commitments to others, such as Taiwan (Republic of China).

[vii] Federation of American Scientists. (2024, March 8). Status of World Nuclear Forces - Federation of American Scientists. https://fas.org/initiative/status-world-nuclear-forces/

[viii] Hodge, S. (2023, July 24). The compliance costs of IRS regulations. Tax Foundation. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/compliance-costs-irs-regulations/

[ix] Smith, B. A., & Smith, B. A. (2018, January 19). Remember the IRS targeting scandal? No one ever got punished for it - Washington Examiner. Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/?p=1473032

[x] Friedersdorf, C. (2014, December 23). A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/12/a-brief-history-of-the-cias-unpunished-spying-on-the-senate/384003/

[xi] US Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General. (2019). Review of four FISA applications and other aspects of the FBI’s crossfire hurricane investigation. In justice.gov (No. 20–12). US Department of Justice. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf

[xii] Initiative, P. P. (n.d.). States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2021. Prison Policy Initiative. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/global/2021.html
Friedersdorf, C. (2014, December 23). A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/12/a-brief-history-of-the-cias-unpunished-spying-on-the-senate/384003/
<![CDATA[If Trump Wins]]>Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:16:43 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/if-trump-winsPicture
The Atlantic Magazine, in its most recent issue has published a series of opinion pieces predicting that a second term for Donald Trump may signal the end of American democracy.[i]  While offering very little of real substance to back up their claims – other than Trump’s own inflammatory language – the entire enterprise ignores the ongoing abuses of power by the federal government; more importantly it ignores the central problem that is never addressed.  The office of the president and the myriad departments of the executive branch have amassed so much unconstitutional power that whenever the opposition’s guy gets into office, he can effect sweeping changes with simple decrees issued from the Oval Office.
While no one can defend much of Trump’s rhetoric and petulant name-calling, the notion that his free and fair election to the office would “destroy democracy” is excessive.  The reporters at the Atlantic argue that one man holding office at the head of one of three co-equal branches of the federal government can become a near tyrannical dictator.  If they are correct in their premise, then there is a far more serious problem here than simply the prospect of a bumptious orange man being elected president.
What the Atlantic is saying – without actually saying – is that the office of president has virtually unchecked power to do whatever it pleases.  In many ways that is correct.  Every president since Truman in 1950 has perpetrated acts of war against other countries without the constitutionally required declaration of war from congress.  As a case in point, President Biden has carried out eight bombing raids in Syria in just the past two months.[ii]
Congress ceded its war-making power to the executive 73 years ago, when it allowed President Truman to invade Korea and fight that country’s civil war without so much as a phone call to House or Senate leaders.  Congress has also given away most of its lawmaking authority to the various executive branch departments.  Instead of having to take the time to pass actual laws and go on record, they have simply delegated that authority to the FAA, FDA, FCC, ICC, OSHA, DOE, EPA, DOA, USDA, DHS, EEOC, HUD, DOI, DOL, DOT, and the list goes on.  Together, these agencies have compiled an utterly incomprehensible and impenetrable 163,000-page volume of laws[iii] that no elected representative ever voted upon, and about which our congress knows nothing more than you and I – which is nothing.  That is, until you run afoul of one of their enforcement agents.
As the head of these two million petty tyrants occupying the cubicles of this alphabet soup of agencies, the president can effectively create, alter, or abolish laws by ordering these agencies to change, ignore, or vigorously enforce whatever policy they intend to force upon the American public without any input from our elected representatives.  For example, a president could instruct the National Highway Traffic and Safety Commission to raise fuel economy standards by ten percent, forcing automakers to lose $1.2 billion and costing American consumers $2.4 billion[iv]; without any people’s representative having a vote.  On his first day in office, president Biden issued decrees that included canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline project, putting an end to the tens of thousands of anticipated construction jobs[v] and helping gasoline prices to increase 77 percent over the next fifteen months.[vi]  If that doesn’t bother you, consider that in the opening days of his administration, President Trump approved the continued construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, signed an Executive Order to begin construction of a wall along the Mexican border, and ordered federal agencies to cease providing grant money to self-proclaimed sanctuary cities.[vii]
The governments of the states in our union were intended to be a bulwark against federal power taking away our rights, but the states have slowly succumbed to a kind of serfdom under the lord of the manner in Washington.  First, in the 19th century, some states opted out of the union, whereupon President Lincoln invaded, starved, and burned those states, forcing them back into the union.  Then, in the early twentieth century the 16th Amendment was passed, allowing congress to directly tax every citizen’s income with no set limits.  This was followed by the 17th Amendment which took control of the senate away from the states and gave it to the people (the senate was created to give the states a say in the federal government and protect their sovereignty and interests).  This created a world where the federal government vacuums up more than a third of every productive citizen’s earnings, leaving the states to beg the feds for funding in the form of grants or legislation.  This in turn allows federal agencies to blackmail the states into complying with whatever mandates they dream up in the cloud cuckoo land inside the beltway.  Ever wonder why all 50 independent states have the same drinking age, DUI blood alcohol limits, teach nonsensical “common core” math to their children, and require seatbelt use?  It is because the federal government has all the money and if the states want to be able to maintain their roads and schools, they have to do as they are told.  The 16th Amendment gave the feds all the money and the 17th made sure the states no longer had anyone to stand up for their rights as sovereign governments.
Congress too has expanded its power to encompass virtually every aspect of human existence.  Beginning in the 1930s, the Supreme Court, under pressure from President Franklin Roosevelt, made a series of rulings grossly expanding the strictly limited sixteen things congress was granted the power to do in Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution.  Using that article’s interstate commerce clause, “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States…” the court gave congress the power to pass laws on any human activity that could remotely affect interstate commerce.  It’s not a big leap to recognize that everything a citizen does has an impact on the national economy – however slight.  From buying a tube of toothpaste, choosing a career, choosing whether to go to college, to buying a home – everything has a minute effect on the economy and is within the power of congress to make law; but that’s another problem.
When it comes to the presidency, the real issue is not who sits in the Oval Office; it is the fact that the office itself and the agencies it controls have amassed power far beyond that granted in the constitution.  That charter puts the president in charge of the executive branch, makes him the commander in chief of the army and navy, and grants him the power (with the advice and consent of the senate) to make treaties and appoint people to the various offices of the executive and judiciary – that’s it.  Far from being the chief of a strictly limited federal executive, the president now has the power to initiate war against anyone at any time, make sweeping changes in law with a stroke of his pen or a simple phone call, and persecute his political opponents with agents of the FBI, IRS, and other agencies. 
Our great nation contains many people who want to continue the march toward socialism, disarm the citizenry, and place the government in charge of every aspect of our lives.  There are those who favor the opposite and a return to the government of a federal republic.  There are those who wish to force their policies and religious values on others; those who wish to impose prison sentences for use of certain plants and drugs, and those who wish to see all such laws abolished; those who want to limit or outlaw abortions and those who would allow the procedure up to the moment of birth; there are those who favor continued military adventurism around the globe and those who want a return to our original orientation of non-intervention in the affairs of other nations.
We were provided with this system of a federal republic of independent states precisely to avoid the situation our country is in today.  We are a very large and populous nation, made up of a mixture of peoples from all over the world.  We hold differing opinions, beliefs, interests, prejudices, and values.  People living in Maine were never intended to be told by an elected dictator that they must adopt the same law as those living in Tennessee.
Our republic can endure only if we return to operating as such.  With so many differing viewpoints, it must be left to the states and, where at all possible, local governments to make law and set policy.  In this way, people can live with much greater freedom, lower tax burdens, and much greater peace and harmony.  When every aspect of existence is no longer a matter of national political debate, there will be much less to argue about.  The presidency and control of the houses of congress has devolved into a truncheon that is angrily seized by one side or the other and used to crush and intimidate its opponents.  No one cares about the truth or principles any longer; it’s us against them and every four years it’s the end of life as we know it if the wrong politician wins.
To survive, the people must take power back by educating themselves, and realizing that, despite our differences, we can live together harmoniously if we stop letting filthy politicians divide us by race and class and frighten us with boogeymen like viruses and terrorists; while they line their pockets and those of their corporate cronies with our money.  I don’t know about you, but I’m far less concerned about a which bathroom a “trans” person uses than I am about losing my money and half the world wanting me dead because my government is bombing people all over the planet.  Given the choice, I’ll share a unisex bathroom with any and all of my fellow citizens while we remain free and get to keep our money.  Our federal government, under presidents and congresses of both parties, starts wars, takes whatever it desires out of our paychecks, and drains the value of our money by printing trillions of dollars and giving it to their donors in the banking industry.  Electing Donald Trump or Joe Biden next year will not restore republican democracy to our nation nor end the endemic corruption in Washington.  Term limits for congress, an end to global empire, and constitutional amendments to reign in the congress and the presidency should be the goal.  End the imperial presidency and we won’t have to argue so vehemently about who holds the office.

[i] The Atlantic. (2023, December 11). What Trump could do with a second term. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/01/donald-trump-second-term-policies/676176/

[ii] Biden, Joseph R. (2023, December 7). Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President pro tempore of the Senate regarding the War Powers Report. The White House. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/07/letter-to-the-speaker-of-the-house-of-representatives-and-president-pro-tempore-of-the-senate-regarding-the-war-powers-report/

[iii] Crain, W. Mark. The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms. Rep. no. 264. Washington, DC: Small Business Administration, 2005. Small Business Research Summary. Small Business Administration. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

[iv] Austin, D., & Dinan, T. (2003). The Economic Costs of Fuel Economy Standards Versus a Gasoline Tax. In cbo.gov. Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved December 11, 2023, from https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/ftpdocs/49xx/doc4917/12-24-03_cafe.pdf

[v] Keystone XL Extension Permit Revocation: Energy Costs and Job Impacts. (2022). In US Department of Energy. United States Department of Energy. Retrieved December 11, 2023, from https://www.daines.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/12.23.22-KXL-Pipeline-Job-Loss-and-Impacts-on-Consumer-Energy-Costs-001245.pdf

[vi] Laycock, R. (2023, December 7). US gas prices: 2018 to December 2023. finder.com. https://www.finder.com/gas-prices

[vii] Valverde, M. (n.d.). PolitiFact - Here’s what Donald Trump did his first week as president of the United States. @Politifact. https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/jan/27/heres-what-donald-trump-did-first-week-president-u/

<![CDATA[April 25th, 2023]]>Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:43:00 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/1769961<![CDATA[Ukraine and the Sorrows of Empire]]>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:24:24 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/ukraine-and-the-sorrows-of-empirePictureMap of the American Empire
Last week, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid a visit to Republican leaders in the US congress to urge them to send American F-16 warplanes to Ukraine.  In doing so, Mr. Johnson is continuing a century-long tradition of Brits attempting to drag the United States into European conflicts that are of no consequence to us.  Stretching back through Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, and Edward Grey, the UK has managed to twice drag America into wars to defend their empire at a cost of more than 1.4 million American casualties and untold suffering and treasure.  Before we further involve ourselves in this war, it is time for Americans to wake up and take a long, hard look at what our foreign military interventions have wrought.
As children, we were taught that World Wars I and II were glorious moral crusades to “make the world safe for democracy” and then to “rid the world of tyranny.”  Anyone that bothers to read a book, of course knows that the first world war was fought to ensure that politically influential American bankers were repaid the billions they had loaned to France and Britain, generate massive income for the DuPont family and other arms manufacturers, increase the power of our government over its citizens, preserve the British Empire, and for the aggrandizement of the unfathomably arrogant President Woodrow Wilson.  After the deaths of 20 million boys and the wounding and maiming of 21 million more, the one-sided Treaty of Versailles did not so much end World War I, but was rather a shaky 20 year ceasefire that ended with the Nazi invasion of Poland.  Moreover, far from making the world safe for democracy, the war enlarged the empires of Britain and France, leaving tens of millions around the world under foreign rule, with no say in their form of government and no rights to their own natural resources.  Far worse, it resulted in the collapse of the Russian Empire and establishment by the Bolsheviks of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – a movement that would spread and ultimately kill nearly 100 million people during the 20thcentury.  
World War II was sold to Americans as a fight to rid the world of tyranny.  Roosevelt and Churchill’s Atlantic Charter set out the war aims of the two nations and read in part, 
After the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, [we] hope to see established a peace which will afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that all men in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want…”
At the end, 400,000 young American men were dead along with 70 millionothers.  Was tyranny banished by this unimaginable conflagration?  Hardly.  The war liberated northern France[1], Belgium, and The Netherlands from occupation or colonial rule (The Philippines was liberated from American colonial rule in 1946). Simultaneously, it left Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Eastern Germany in the iron grip of socialist dictators.  With the exception of Yugoslavia, all of these countries were controlled and/or occupied by our wartime allies, the Soviet butchers of the USSR.  The British Empire was on its deathbed and the American Empire was inaugurated.  One of our government’s first orders of business was bankrolling the brutal French invasion of Vietnam, which had been freed from French colonial rule during the war.  So much for people “dwelling in safety within their own boundaries.”
America has been expanding its global empire ever since it supplanted the British.  Once, the British monarchy could boast that “The sun never sets on the British Empire.”  With colonies stretching from the south Pacific, to India, Africa, and North America, it was true that the sun always shone somewhere in the realm.  Today, the British royalty of yore would blush at the scope of the American Empire.  While Britain, at its zenith, held 30 or so countries in its grip[2], the American Empire exerts significant control across the entire planet, having its imperial troops deployed to 750 military installations in 80 countries; just over half of all countries with a population over 1 million.  

The modern American Empire operates differently than the Roman and British Empires before it. Instead of sending Proconsuls and Governor-Generals to directly operate the state apparatus in its colonies, the US government has dispatched its military proconsuls – known as “Commanders-in-Chief” - to the six military districts into which they have divided the world (See map).  Our government deals with other nations primarily through its military proconsuls rather the old-fashioned method of using diplomats.  These Generals and Admirals exert their influence with a carrot and stick approach; promises of protection, military exchanges, and financial aid in exchange for economically favorable terms for politically connected corporations back home.  With American warships, bombers, fighters, soldiers, and marines in their countries or their backyard, the stick doesn’t even need to be mentioned.
Like the British, America has bankrupted itself with the cost of maintaining its empire and now teeters on the brink of collapse.  Britain severely wounded itself by its foolhardy war guarantee to the French in 1914, then sealed its fate with an even more absurd war guarantee to Poland in 1939. By contrast, America currently has guarantees to go to war on behalf of fifty countries worldwide, and – without consulting the American people - is presently reconfiguring its forces specifically for an impending war with China.
Boris Johnson’s visit is Déjà vu all over again; another British leader is urging us to directly involve ourselves[3]in yet another European war; this time a Slavic civil war on the fringes of the continent.  Only this enemy doesn’t have Panzer tanks and horse-drawn artillery – they have intercontinental ballistic missiles and have already threatened to use them.
Today, eight decades after World War II, with our troops still garrisoned where they stood in August 1945 – and now, with the relentless expansion of NATO, are right on Russia’s doorstep – we are coming to the end of our short reign of world dominion.  While there are differences, we’ve followed the same road to ruin as did the Romans and British before us; as Mark Twain once said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.”  
Like the Brits, we too may be able to salvage ourselves as simply a member, not master, of the community of nations and maybe even come out a little better than they did; but if our morally and financially bankrupt masters in Washington continue to simultaneously poke the Russian Bear and Chinese Dragon in hopes of keeping their grip on power just a little longer, our republic will cease to exist in any recognizable form.  
Randolph Bourne wrote a century ago that “War is the health of the State;” if you think Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and power brokers won’t sacrifice you and your children to satisfy their lust for power, just cast a look at the broken and maimed bodies of American boys spread across the globe and the lies those who sent them to their deaths have been telling us for decades.

[1]The Nazis only occupied the north because the French government was allied with Germany. (You read that right; read a short history here)

[2]This depends on how you count them; many British holdings were tiny and/or uninhabited islands, or small enclaves within a larger colony.

[3]Hundreds of troops would have to accompany the jets; you can’t just send them over in a crate and toss them the keys.  Pilots need to be trained, planes need constant, highly technical maintenance and other forms of ground support.

<![CDATA[The Ministry of Truth]]>Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:32:21 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/the-ministry-of-truthPicture
As the government and media pivot from pandemic hysteria to war hysteria, I thought I would take some time to put together a reminder/educational piece for readers about the veracity of what they hear in the media and coming out of their leaders’ mouths.  Americans would be wise to pay very close attention to what they are being told, then think long and hard about who benefits from whatever that may be.  Regardless of your politics, or where you fall on the approved left-right spectrum we are permitted to publicly debate, one thing is guaranteed; you are being lied to.  
When modern Americans gave up participating in local and national civic life, and exchanged it for professional sports fanaticism, comic book cinema, celebrity worship, the X-Box, and social media drivel, they also opened the way to subjugation by a supremely powerful elite who now control every aspect of our lives, including what we are permitted to say and even think.
You may think you are free, but you may only choose a Republican or Democrat to wield this unchecked power.  Americans would rather blindly accept propaganda as news than accept reality; it’s ugly and uncomfortable.  President Kennedy alluded to this when he said, “Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” Americans believe that the freedom of the press will protect them from dangerous and criminal behavior by our government and its corporate patrons, but MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News are not in the business of truth; they aren’t even in true competition with one another.  These corporate news outlets are permitted to exist so as to give the populace the illusion of being informed, while engendering suspicion, fear, and hatred, so as to turn us against one another – and they are doing a fabulous job.  The people you vote into office have virtually no say in how the government is run or what the laws they vote on will look like. If you actually believe that the Republican or Democrat political parties, Fox News, or CNN have any interest in ensuring your well-being or your access to truth, you may as well stop reading because there is no hope for you.  Yes, there are individuals in these organizations with noble motives, but they are kept within strict parameters or they don’t last long.
The Republicrats and big media are interested in the same two things that have obsessed mankind since the dawn of civilization; power and money.  America’s current congress is composed of a majority of millionaires; as of 2019, the richest 50 millionaires in congress were composed of 20 Democrats and 30 Republicans. One of the fastest ways to become wealthy in the United States is to get elected to congress.  You’ll never see any of these fabulously wealthy elites on Capitol Hill send their sons to war or offer to pony up one penny of their own money to pay for their hairbrained, wasteful, and corrupt schemes – they want your money for that.  Whether it’s a grant to pay for a bus station named after themselves in their district, or a $5 trillion war; we proletarians and our offspring can pay for it.  But all this is dark story of corruption that could fill volumes; just remember the motivation.
Back to the information you and I are spoon-fed by our news provider of choice.  Let’s start with recent history; first the September 11 attacks shook our nation to its foundations, followed immediately by the never-solved anthrax attacks.  This provided the power elite with a free hand to eliminate most all of our privacy rights, conduct warrantless searches, illegal surveillance, kidnappings, torture, preemptive war and imbued the government with near limitless powers to detain, imprison, disappear, and even assassinate American citizens without trial. Meanwhile the populace cowered under the theater of fear put on for us by the media; dutifully parroting the government’s line; color-coded alerts, nebulous “credible threats” and “increased chatter,” TSA strip searches, arrests of deadly, hidden “sleeper cells” with no evidence ever made available to the public.  So effective was the government/media propaganda that a majority of Americans rated terrorism as the number one issue facing the country, when the actual chance of being killed in a terror attack was far less than being killed by a piece of household furniture falling on them.
According to the government and the corporate media, there was one single reason for the attacks; the terrorists “hate us because of our freedom.”  That’s it.  We were told to believe that a bunch of Saudi Muslim religious fanatics on the other side of world got so angry about Americans running around having a great time doing what they pleased, that they came here to kill themselves while carrying out acts of mass murder.  Never a word was uttered that Bin Laden’s group was founded in response to; 1- the massive American military presence in Saudi Arabia that never ended after the Desert Storm war in 1991 and, 2 – American government support of Middle Eastern dictators that routinely torture and otherwise tyrannize their citizens; most notably, the hopelessly corrupt, decadent, and murderous Saudi royal family. Neither were we told that Bin Laden and his compatriots were products of the United States’ government’s meddling in Afghanistan in the 1980’s, or that the entire modern Muslim extremist movement began with the overthrow of our government’s BFF in the Middle East, the Shah of Iran, in 1979.  The CIA engineered the 1953 coup that overthrew the democratically elected premier of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddeq, and installed the Shah, who then spent decades as our staunch ally while simultaneously terrorizing and torturing his population.
After 9/11, the media and government went all-in on blind, rabid patriotism; “Support the Troops!” was the war cry as defense contractors, private mercenary companies, and scam artists made trillions from two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that accomplished exactly nothing of benefit to the American population, and shattered the lives of tens of thousands of well-intentioned and courageous military service members.  To say nothing of the three quarters of a million civilians killed in the so-called war on terror.  Meanwhile, Americans, the vast majority of whom do not even know someone in the military, cheered wildly and right on cue, to carefully choreographed surprise soldier homecomings on baseball fields and to marching soldiers with flags and rifles while warplanes screeched overhead at football stadiums.
None of these facts, of course, justify the murders carried out by Muslim terrorists over the past 50 years.  They do demonstrate however, the ways in which the government, in concert with a complicit media, systematically hide the fact that its actions and relentless spread of its military empire, engender resentment and hatred around the globe; and not just in the Muslim world.
Next, enter Donald Trump. Whatever you think of him, this pugnacious, often petty, and egotistic outsider in the Republican Party was a grave danger to both Republicans and Democrats and their financiers.  The invisible people who truly run the country viewed him as an existential threat to their continued positions of wealth and power. Among his worst sins, Trump made overtures to end the highly lucrative, 70-year-long (and counting) Korean War. Worse still for the military-industrial-congressional complex, he disrupted the NATO alliance by suggesting that the American taxpayers should not be paying to provide military defense for wealthy nations on the other side of the world.  As such, monumental efforts were made to remove him from office, using, among other things, phony “dossiers” and false stories of Russian tampering with election results.
Next came Covid-19; the greatest gift the gods bestowed upon America’s authoritarians since 9/11.  Our overlords learned that Americans were far more compliant and eager to display their obedience to any master than they could have hoped.  Even after nearly two years of the obviously overblown and media-driven hysteria over a virus with a survival rate well over 99 percent (for anyone with a sense of curiosity and an internet connection), most Americans enthusiastically embraced virtual martial law and the destruction of their nation’s social fabric and economy - except large corporations, which continued business-as-usual - along with indefinite house arrest, compulsory facial concealment, forced vaccinations, and censorship of any dissenting medical opinion.
As the Covid-19 narrative began to unravel a few months ago and midterm elections loomed on the horizon, the media dutifully started phasing out pandemic stories and dropping the breadcrumbs that would lead Americas away from Covid, and prepare them for the next crisis du jour.  With nearly perfect timing, Vladimir Putin, the former Soviet spy turned Russian dictator, launched an invasion of Ukraine.  Despite the seriousness and historic implications of the issue, the corporate media entertainment shows – touted as “news” – have not uttered a single substantive word regarding precisely why Putin is invading or what his rationale may be. 
Putin’s motivation may be linked to the aggressive expansion of the NATO alliance, which was created a lifetime ago to counter a threat from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; a country that ceased to exist thirty years ago.  Rather than disband the alliance after the fall of the Soviet state and the reduction of Russia to a third-rate power – albeit one with nuclear weapons – the United States instead led its NATO allies to expand, by enlisting the eastern European nations formerly under the control of the Soviets; bringing American troops, tanks, bombers, and missiles right up to Russia’s doorstep. Before yet another seven countries opted into NATO in 2004, Putin had repeatedly expressed a desire for closer ties to the west and even to join NATO. Maybe the dictator is concerned about the plan to bring Ukraine into the NATO alliance, ushering in more American military bases, troops, and weapons to the Russian frontier.  As recently as last June, in a communiqué issued after a NATO summit meeting, the alliance stated unequivocally that Ukraine, “…will become a member of the alliance…” (Paragraph 69).  Remember Putin’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 and his seizure of two breakaway provinces of that nation?  That invasion came two months after another NATO summit where membership for Georgia – on Russia’s southern border - was discussed.
Perhaps Putin is thinking of the American and British invasion of Russia following the end of World War I. Possibly he, along with many of his countrymen, are uneasy about the American military empire pressing against their western borders after the loss of 30 million citizens at the hands of European invaders in the world wars of the twentieth century.  This is to say nothing of the one million dead from the French invasion of 1812.  The government-media cabal has decided that you don’t need to know any part of the backstory to any event, whether it’s terror attacks, flu viruses, or wars. Today, “Dictator Putin Bad” is all you need to know and all you will be permitted to hear – and of course, “Support the Troops!”
Make no mistake, any unprovoked military attack against a sovereign country is, of course, a violation of international law and morally wrong (DISCLAIMER: Unless such action is undertaken by the United States against countries including but not limited to; Mexico, Nicaragua, Columbia, Venezuela, Haiti, Panama, Dominican Republic,PhilippinesKingdom of HawaiiChinaSerbiaRussiaLibyaSyriaIraq).  Vladimir Putin is indeed, to paraphrase former President Trump, a “Bad hombre,” but there is far more to the story.
As we move into this next, never ending, cycle of crisis, remember that you are going to be lied to. Britain’s MI-6 intelligence agency ran a massive fake news and propaganda operation in the United States to get America to fight its second world war for them.  President Roosevelt and his Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, worked tirelessly to provoke the Japanese into attacking our naval forces in Hawaii[1], so that they could enter World War II and take over the British Empire.  No one in the media then or since has ever questioned why our military was occupying Hawaii and the Philippine Islands on the other side of the world in the first place.
During the first world war – it was called the Great War before we realized we’d have to start numbering them – the British also ran a sophisticated propaganda operation in the United States, eventually pulling our country into the greatest bloodbath in human history up to that time.  They were aided by President Woodrow Wilson - who saw the war as an opportunity to fulfill his destiny as savior of mankind, by congress - which worked on behalf of American bankers to ensure that they were repaid the billions loaned to the allied powers, the munitions makers - who were reaping towering profits from selling weapons, and a press that fed Americans a steady diet of lies[2].  The public was told the Lusitania sinking was a heinous crime (Which did not, by the way, trigger our entry into the war – that came two years later).  Americans were also never informed that the Lusitania was illegally transporting a massive cargo of war material and was armed with artillery.  Americans were not told that British ships were illegally flying flags of neutral nations – including the US – thereby making a mockery and an impossibility for German U-boats to obey rules on the seas pertaining to non-belligerent nations. Neither were Americans informed that the British had cut the transatlantic cable between the US and Germany, so that their government could not effectively communicate with the outside world.  Most shamefully, Americans were not informed of Britain’s illegal starvation blockade against Germany, which was killing tens of thousands of German women and children. The blockade, which continued for eight months after the armistice ended hostilities, starved to death more than 800,000 civilian non-combatants[3].  
Winston Churchill – then First Lord of the Admiralty – stated it plainly, “The British blockade…avowedly sought to starve the whole population - men, women and children, old and young, wounded and sound - into submission.”  It was this blockade, and the resulting domestic political pressure placed on the German leaders that forced them to resume unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917 after they had previously acceded to American demands for an end to the practice. None of this information was provided to Americans by their free press.
In 1898, America launched a war to seize the waning Spanish Empire’s territories of Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Philippines, and Guam after a US warship, the USS Maine, exploded in Havana harbor and the government falsely blamed it on the Spanish.  “Remember the Maine!” was the war cry then.  The press faithfully ginned up public support for colonial conquest by writing false stories of Spanish aggression and atrocities against civilians.  As newspaper mogul William Randolph Hurst told his photographer in Cuba, “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”  If you think anything has changed in the last 124 years, you are deluding yourself.
When our government wanted to begin the process of expanding its military empire into the Middle East, former CIA asset Saddam Hussein of Iraq, provided a pretext by invading the tiny emirate of Kuwait.  In order to get Americans, who were largely indifferent to the event, behind launching a war to eject the Iraqi military, the Kuwaiti government financed a massive, multi-million dollar, carefully orchestrated public relations campaign directed at the American Public by the New York marketing firm, Hill & Knowlton.  Public hearings were arranged with the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, whose Democrat and Republican co-chairs were close associates of Hill & Knowlton. The two politicians were recipients of campaign contributions from the firm and their caucus’ offices were housed in the Hill & Knowlton headquarters building in Washington, DC at a discounted rent.
Some of you may remember the tearful testimony of a fifteen-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only as “Nayirah,” about brutish Iraqi soldiers stealing incubators from a Kuwait hospital and tossing dozens of infants on the floor to die a slow death.  This horrific tale was used dozens of times in speeches in congress and by President Bush the First to justify American military intervention. Turns out that Miss Nayriah was reading a Hill & Knowlton-prepared script and that she was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States. Her testimony was a complete fabrication– what we used to call a “lie.”
Remember Saddam Hussein’s attempts to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger for a nuclear weapon and his stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction?  Remember that was the reason we needed to launch a preemptive war and invade and occupy Iraq with absolutely no plan about what to do afterwards, or even so much as a Google search about the ethnic and religious divisions in the country?  Remember how the entire pretext for that war turned out to be a lie?
Remember when President Lyndon Johnson told the American people we needed to send hundreds of thousands of American teenagers to be maimed and killed in the Vietnamese civil war because our navy ships were “attacked” on August 4, 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin? Remember how it turns out no such attack ever happened?  Remember how the Pentagon Papers were later leaked to the New York Times and Washington Post and they proved that Johnson knew the war was unwinnable and he and his minions systematically lied to both the American public and congress for years, and then the government tried to send the leaker to prison for revealing the truth?
Remember when the Joint Chiefs of Staff, chomping at the bit to invade and occupy Castro’s Cuba (after a dry spell of nearly ten years without a war), submitted a proposal to President Kennedy to create a false pretext for an invasion?  Titled “Operation Northwoods,” the heads of America’s military proposed to carry out terrorist attacks against American citizens in the United States and blame it on Cuba’s government to get the American people to support a war.  They proposed blowing up an American navy ship to recreate the Battleship Maine pretext of 66 years earlier, hijacking and crashing American airliners, assassinating Cuban immigrants, faking attacks on the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and more. You most likely don’t remember because it’s never been talked about in the media or taught in schools.  You can read the actual memorandum with attached proposals here.
Your government – composed of the politicians you elect to make you feel as though you have a say in things, along with the unseen operatives whom you did not elect, lies to you in the interest of obtaining power and money for themselves and their patrons.  These lies, distortions, and half-truths are gleefully fed to you by their media courtiers - this is an unfortunate fact of life.  So, as you watch the empty 3-minute snippets of entertainment news, or the heart-rending personal stories about the hardships of a Yuri or a Katerina, just think carefully about what the government, media, and the people who control them want you to think – especially if an American ship explodes somewhere or you hear about Russian soldiers throwing babies on the floor…

[1]In just one example,Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson wrote in his personal diary that FDR "brought up the event that we were likely to be attacked perhaps next Monday [December 1], for the Japanese are notorious for making an attack without warning, and the question was what we should do. The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.  (See Henry Lewis Stimson Diaries, Nov. 25, 1941, Yale University Library, Manuscripts and Archives)

[2]Meyer, G. J. The World Remade: America in World War I. Bantam, an Imprint of Random House, a Division of Penguin Random House, 2017. 

[3]The Blockade of Germany after the Armistice, 1918–1919 Bane, S.L., 1942, Stanford University Press

<![CDATA[Land of the Free?]]>Wed, 04 Jul 2018 14:00:41 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/land-of-the-free
 In honor of Independence Day, below is an abridged excerpt from the first chapter of A Republic, if you can keep it that begins the story of how our freedoms were lost...
Chapter 1
We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident…
How has it come to this?

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”
                  - Thomas Paine
“I don’t worry about the constitution on this…I care more about the people who are dying every day that don’t have health insurance.”
                                                        - Congressman Phil Hare, 2010
In the morning hours of September 17, 1787, the members of the constitutional convention gathered in the old Pennsylvania State House on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia to sign the new Constitution of the United States of America.  They had debated and deliberated in secrecy since May and on this day people had begun to gather outside the state house to learn what the new constitution proposed.  In the sunshine of mid-afternoon, as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the signing session, a Mrs. Powell asked him, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”  To which Franklin replied, “A republic - if you can keep it.”[1]
Historically, republics are fragile and tear themselves asunder in short order.  It is a tribute to the genius of the constitution’s authors that the American republic has lasted far longer than any other in human history; but its days may be numbered.
For Most Americans – to the extent they know or care about the history of their country – their understanding goes something like this; The British government was taxing and oppressing the American colonists, so we declared independence and there was a revolution fought by George Washington and we won.  We wrote a constitution that was a great charter of freedom.  There was another war in 1812 against the British about something-or-other and we won that one too.  Then there was a civil war because of slavery and President Lincoln saved the union and freed the slaves.  Then America conquered the west; there were a few dust-ups with Indians and Mexicans, a gold rush, and railroads.  Later America became a great industrial power and invented or perfected everything from electricity to the automobile to movies.  But all the great men who built these industries were evil, greedy, unfair, and were mean to their workers, so the government came in to make everything fair and safe.  Then America went over to Europe and saved the British and French from the mean and evil Germans in World War I.  There was a Great Depression in the 1930’s and Franklin Roosevelt saved the country by spending billions of dollars and creating make-work jobs for the masses. Then we went back to save Europe again in World War II because it’s America’s job to make sure every nation is free and democratic.  After we vanquished the evil Germans again and finally beat the Japanese, we spent the next 40 years fighting the spread of communism and fought wars in Korea and Vietnam, because we had to make sure those countries remained free too.  We are all free, safe, and have unemployment insurance if we lose our jobs, and Social Security and Medicaid waiting to pay all our bills after we turn 65.
This is the world everyone 55 or younger was born into and the extent of their understanding of how we got to this point in human and American history.  Most see this as some sort of inevitable progression; that America was always destined for greatness.  Most also believe that our current state of safety, comfort, and prosperity is permanent, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
All of us have had our birthright stolen from us.  Whether you consider yourself a liberal or conservative, your liberty as handed down to you from our forefathers has been eroded, stolen, and legislated away.  Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or some other persuasion, unscrupulous, foolish, and corrupt politicians in both political parties have stuck you and your descendants with the bill for a virtually insurmountable national debt run up over the past few generations.
You have been told that you are free, but you are not.  If you are one of the roughly 50 percent of workers who pay income tax, an amount equal to every penny you earn from January 1 through around April 12 will be forcibly confiscated by the government to fund its wasteful activities or to simply hand over to someone else.  If you live in Connecticut and other high tax states, you will work as late as May 2 to pay your combined tribute to the federal and state government.[2]
A couple hundred years a ago, you could offer yourself as an indentured servant; in exchange for some service such as payment for passage to the American colonies, you would be required to be a slave to someone else for a set period of time. Today, American workers are required to labor for more than one quarter of each year to pay their taxes to the government, and the only thing they get in return are more taxes on everything from their gas and electricity, to their phone and cable television service.
Would you like to build a barn on your property?  You’re “free” to do so, but you will have to pay a sum of money to your local government bureaucrat for a permit and display that permit the way they tell you to.  Then you will have to allow unannounced intrusion onto your property by another clipboard-wielding government agent who will ensure that you build your structure the way they say it must be built, and if you don’t, they will fine you, jail you, and possibly even force you to tear down your building.  Once you have finished your barn, the local government will dispatch yet another bureaucrat to look over your improved property and determine how much more tax you should pay based on the increased value of your land. There may also be, unknown to you, state or federal restrictions about what, or whether you can build on your land, which could result in your being arrested at gunpoint, jailed, or fined millions of dollars (See Chapter 14). In addition, the merchant who sold you the materials for your barn was required, under penalty of law, to collect a government sales tax from you for the privilege of conducting your private business between one another.  You paid thousands of dollars in taxes on the vehicle you drove to the Home Depot, and a tax of anywhere from 25 to 40 cents per gallon of gas you burned to transport your materials.  On top of that, the gasoline, vehicle, and building materials were all more expensive because the companies that make them had to increase their prices to pay theirtaxes for their employees’ social security contributions, unemployment insurance premiums, as well as on their profits, supplies, and fuel.  
And you pay for all of this with the money that’s left after the government takes its cut of your paycheck.  You are also subject to arrest by the police, if, while driving to or from the Home Depot or the town clerk’s office, you have not properly paid the government for your license to drive your vehicle, or the registration fee, or have the wrong colored sticker in your window, or if you forget to buckle your seatbelt, or take a call on your cell phone.
And that’s just putting up a barn on property you already own.  Try building a factory, opening a restaurant, or hiring employees. We live under a suffocating web of overlapping laws, regulations, rules, taxes, surcharges and fees.  The notion that the government knows best, is entitled to the fruits of our labor, and should dictate every last detail of lives has become so ingrained in us, that we don’t even realize our freedom is all but gone.  
The American republic was born from a desire to be rid of a tyranny that was positively mild compared the oppression we endure today.  The spark that set off the Revolution was a series of unfair taxes levied against the American colonists by an English king and parliament that permitted them no real voice or formal representation.  Yet those taxes were a fraction of the crushing burden of taxation, fees and regulation Americans labor under today.
Until the creation of this great nation, only monarchies and dictatorships organized around race, religion, and language ruled the so-called civilized world.  The United States of America was the first nation-state in human history to be based upon a set of principles, rather than race, ethnicity, or religion.  These principles were laid out in eloquent simplicity by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence and codified in the Constitution of the United States.
Our founding fathers were promoting a truly radical notion; that governments are intended to serve the people, not the other way around; that the government derives its power from the consent of those it governs, not merely because it exists or commands the military; that government which governs least governs the best; that government authority should be divided to prevent consolidation of excessive power; that government’s decisions and functions should devolve to the lowest level possible, and be made by local and state governments whenever possible.  These concepts were not entirely new, but they had never been implemented in any significant way until the beginning of the American experiment.
Unfortunately, there are a growing number of Americans who have chosen not to learn the lessons that American liberty has provided.  Somewhere during the last century, our nation has lost its way.  We have long ago abandoned the ideals upon which the nation was founded - and the sacred document that defined the world’s first government of the people, by the people, and for the people – the Constitution of the United States of America.  ,Ithas long since become a quaint relic and nothing little more than a jumping-off point for ambitious politicians, petty bureaucrats,  and imperial judges.

A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the Role of Government
The only legitimate role of government is to preserve the liberty of the people.  This is the very foundation of the American Revolution.  The Declaration of Independence said it plainly; “All men are created equal…they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.”
America was destined to go wrong when its people began to forget the most important corollary to the declaration of human liberty that was the philosophical heart of the revolution.  That corollary is that government, by its very nature is prone to become abusive of the people and their liberty.  Government is a necessary evil, not a force for social progress.
Once we started down the path leading away from the constitutionally limited government of our founding, it was only a matter of time before we would find ourselves in precisely the cesspool of public corruption and debt we wallow in today.  First, we began granting public money and special privileges to politically connected railroad companies, oilmen, and industrialists, then we began to dabble in the favorite hobby of European monarchs – colonialism.  Finally, we became so powerful, and thought our government so wonderful, that we decided we could save all our citizens from any form of hardship, and then save the entire world from themselves.
Something happened to America along the way.  We forgot the warnings of our forefathers.  We forgot that government has a life of its own; that it is akin to a living organism that grows and in so doing devours freedom.  We thought that we could use the government to cure disease, stop bigotry, end poverty, and rid the entire planet of tyranny by giving it ever-increasing amounts of power – all without imperiling our liberty. We forgot that although our constitution created the best form of government yet devised, it was written for the express purpose of strictly limitingthe size and power of the central government.  We forgot Jefferson’s warning that, “…it would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights: that confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism.”[3]
So today, the citizens who still believe in the constitution and in the principles of the revolution find themselves with nowhere to turn.  The entire premise of the political debate in America was ceded to the statists and collectivists long ago.  Our politicians do not argue about the proper role of government or constitutional restrictions on the federal government.  It is simply accepted that the massive, bloated monstrosity of a central government in far-away Washington, DC has a role to play in each and every aspect of our lives; from how many hours we can work to what foods we eat.  Few Americans have ever even read the constitution and do little more than shrug when they discover that our federal government disregards its rules every day.
Our presidential candidates talk about all the things they are going to do for the American people; lower gas prices, lower food prices, “invest” in clean or green or alternative energy, fix our schools, repair our roads and bridges, rebuild cities, raise or lower taxes, provide housing, disaster relief, food, medicine, and clothing, encourage the arts, restructure immigration, cure disease, start wars, and bail out faltering companies.  Not oneof those things is part of the duties and powers of the president as described in the constitution – not one.  Some of them, such as raising or lowering taxes and starting wars, are the job of the congress.  Most however, are not within the constitutional responsibility of any branch of the United States government.  Yet, again, this glaring disconnect goes unquestioned and unnoticed. 
Americans turn to government for food stamps, rent, heating assistance, unemployment payments, worker’s compensation benefits, child care, mental counseling, and even to referee their domestic squabbles. Theyhave been conditioned for decades to look to the government for answers to every conceivable problem.
During the 2008 Democrat presidential primaries in Iowa, CNN reporter Jessica Yellin said that she found “refreshing” the seriousness with which Iowa voters approached the candidates, and that that they “…feel entitled to ask, ‘how are you going to fix my life?’”[4]
These are American citizens – descendants of men and women who conquered a continent, built transcontinental railroads, invented everything from vaccines to prevent fatal disease to light bulbs and computers; who learned how to fly, won two world wars, defeated global communism, and walked on the moon. Now they ask petty politicians to fix their lives. 
Every vote of the national legislature and every stroke of the president’s pen should not, and was never intended to have, a dramatic, immediate effect on the lives of ordinary Americans.  Our federal government was created to offer a common defense and provide for a uniform currency and free trade among the states, not to dictate high school curricula, provide student loans, offer vaccinations, protect spotted owls, or debate how much of your own money you should be permitted to keep.
America has no functioning constitution; we have come loose from our philosophical moorings and drifted into a swift current leading us into a socialist-collectivist nightmare. This conclusion is unavoidable for anyone who knows what that document says and looks at our federal government today.  The federal legislature that was given eighteen specific things that it could do, now seeks to micromanage every aspect of our lives.  Our imperial congress tells the states what speed limits they must set on their own roads, how much alcohol they may allow their own citizens to consume before driving, and even how much water their toilets can use. 
Today, every issue of society is seen not only as a “public policy” issue, but one that should be addressed by the central imperial authority in Washington, DC.  The state governments that created the federal government have been reduced to nothing more than administrative districts; functionaries carrying out the dictates of their masters on Capitol Hill.  The federal leviathan sucks up the wealth of the productive citizens of each state, while the states in turn clamor and crane their necks like baby birds in the nest, waiting for their federal mother to regurgitate some of the sustenance back into their mouths.  This is not the system laid out in the constitution.
The constitution did not die recently, nor did it die as the result of one particular stroke of legislation or from the election Barack Obama or Donald Trump to the presidency.  It died a long, slow death from a thousand wounds.  There were certain points along the way where significant events tore down its bulwarks intended to protect us from an out-of-control government, and they will be chronicled in the following chapters. Our founders understood that the normal course of events is for governments to become what ours has – an insatiable monster that no longer serves to safeguard the rights of the people, but that instead views citizens as wards who must be commanded and controlled for their own good, and whose duty it is to serve the government so that it may carry out its good works.  As Thomas Jefferson once said, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”[5]

In 1845, the renowned classical liberal theorist Frédéric Bastiat wrote eloquently about the foolishness of investing the machinery of the state with so many hopes for perfecting society,
“Is there a state apart from the people? Is there a human foresight apart from humanity? …Nothing can be more foolish than to found so many hopes upon the state, which is simply to take for granted the existence of collective science and foresight, after having set out with the assumption of individual imbecility and improvidence.”[6]
This simple yet brilliant analysis explodes in just a few words the entire premise of progressive socialist doctrine, which can be boiled down to this; that is that society is composed of dummies incapable of caring for themselves and providing for their future, but that somehow a government made up of people drawn from that very same society will be able to plan and provide for every citizen.  
Witness the thirty-minute Barack Obama campaign commercial in the fall of 2008, where we met Rebeca Johnston of Missouri.  She has three children, drives a Ford SUV, lives in a nice home, and her husband works at a local tire plant.  Yet, her story is presented as one of desperation; her husband has had to delay knee surgery and “has to stand all day” at work.  She shows us her refrigerator – filled with food – but laments that shelves reserved for each family member’s snacks have less than they once did.  Mrs. Johnston then says something that should send a chill up the spine of any real American: “I think everybody’s the same, that they’d like to see an end in sight to all the worry and the chaos of everyday living.”[7]  Not only does she look to a centralized government to provide knee surgery for her husband, and snacks for her refrigerator, and relief from having to care for her own affairs - but everybody she knows thinks the same way.
This is the same America that was the first nation on Earth to be founded upon the ideal of liberty; that conquered an entire continent; that endured a bloody civil war; that has fought for the freedom of others and left the graves of its soldiers on four continents; the nation that invented electric light, television, the airplane, atomic power, the personal computer, the Internet, and put the first human being on the surface of the Moon;  The same America that defeated the British Empire, the Japanese Empire, the Fascists, the Nazis, and the Soviet communists. And now we are a nation of whiners that yearn for someone to rescue us from the worry and chaos of everyday living?
America stands not a crossroads, but at the edge of an abyss.  It was a long road getting here, but we are nearing the end. Understanding how we got here can help us find our way back.  The process was slow and subtle, carried out quietly and stealthily.  But it wasn’t some dark conspiracy concocted by agents of evil meeting in basements and smoke-filled rooms.  For the most part, the constitution has been subverted right out in the open, by deliberate misinterpretation, through appeals to charity and altruism, and the natural tendency of governments to grow.  This process has been aided by genuinely well-intentioned politicians and others who, lacking historical perspective or the ability to think critically, failed to see where the road of big government leads. Even schemes hatched in secret conspiracies were openly discussed and debated prior to becoming law.
People seeking to increase the power of government do so most often under two pretenses - during times of real or perceived emergency, and in the pursuit of some “greater good.”  Famed Supreme Court Justice and legal scholar Louis Brandeis once said “The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”[8]    

In many ways, this tendency is almost irresistable.  Evil and designing men have always sought power for their own pleasure, but the well-meaning often seek power in an effort to correct societal problems, such as helping the poor or ending racism.  In America, we ironically became the victim of our own successful experiment in ordered liberty.  As America grew in prosperity and strength, we became more confident. That confidence grew into conceit, and we began to no longer view our system of government as virtuous because it was strictly limited, but rather started to dream up ways it could be used for good; to fix all of mankind’s problems and spread freedom around the world.  We forgot the most important philisophical underpinning of the American Revolution – that government is, by its very nature, dangerous.  
Thomas Jefferson warned us that, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Those of us who endeavor now to save it, must understand that Jefferson was not merely referring to external enemies, but to the insidious and relentless encroachment on the liberty of Americans by their own government.


[1]Quoted in- Asketill, Robert. "Understanding the Difference Betwen a Democracy and a Republic” The London Evening Post CO." The London Evening Post. 6 Aug. 2011. Web. 09 May 2012.

[2]"America Celebrates Tax Freedom Day." Tax Foundation.org. The Tax Foundation. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.

[3]Jefferson, Thomas. The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia: a Comprehensive Collection of the Views of Thomas Jefferson Classified and Arranged in Alphabetical Order under Nine Thousand Titles Relating to Government, Politics, Law, Education, Political Economy, Finance, Science, Art, Literature, Religious Freedom, Morals, Etc.Ed. John P. Foley. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1900. Print.

[4]Finklestein, Mark. "Ponytail Guy Lives: 'How Are You Going to Fix My Life?' | NewsBusters.org." NewsBusters.org. Newsbusters, 24 Dec. 2007. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.

[5]Jefferson, Thomas. The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia: a Comprehensive Collection of the Views of Thomas Jefferson… Ed. John P. Foley. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1900. Print.

[6]Bastiat, Frederic. "Economic Sophisms." The Bastiat Collection. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 2011. 413. Ludwig Von Mises Institute Literature Library. Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 17 Mar. 2011. Web. 8 May 2012.

[7]"American Stories, American Solutions: 30 Minute Special." YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.Barackobamadotcom, 20 Oct. 2008. Web. 06 Mar. 2011.

[8]Quoted in Hayak, F. F. The Constitution of Liberty: The Definitive Edition. Vol. 17. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2011. Print.
<![CDATA[​An End to America’s Longest War?]]>Mon, 30 Apr 2018 19:30:19 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/an-end-to-americas-longest-war

This week witnessed one of the most dramatic diplomatic moments in modern memory.  North Korean President Kim Jong-un came to the Demilitarized Zone that separates North and South Korea and, with a beaming smile, stepped across the Military Demarcation Line as he shook hands with South Korean President Moon Jae-in - becoming the first leader of North Korea ever to set foot upon South Korean soil.  That event and subsequent discussions between the two leaders has raised the first real hope for a resolution to the 65-year war in decades.
Contrary to popular understanding, the Korean War has never ended; an uneasy truce was declared in 1953 and a demilitarized zone was established between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the north and the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the south. The armistice froze the existing front line of combat operations, which at the time intersected the 38th parallel – the original border before the war began with North Korea’s invasion of the south.  Since that time, heavily armed US and South Korean armies have stood facing the North Korean People’s Army and continued to menace and not infrequently kill one another. America still maintains a garrison of around 25,000 military personnel on the peninsula.
The meeting of the two Korean leaders at the Joint Security Area in the DMZ was all the more poignant given the violence that has occurred there and all along the border throughout the interminable war.  Hundreds of Koreans and Americans have perished in conflicts and incidents along the DMZ.  These include incursions by the North Koreans building massive tunnels under the DMZ, and an effort to assassinate South Korean President Park Chung Hee in 1968. In 1976, North Korean troops hacked two American soldiers to death with axes when they attempted to trim a tree in the southern area of the DMZ. (In an ironic twist, the US orchestrated a massive show of force following the murders and moved in to eliminate the tree.  One of the South Korean soldiers who participated in that successful operation was none other than Moon Jae-in.)  
The meeting between Presidents Kim and Moon has followed a rapid series of diplomatic surprises, including the impending summit between Kim and President Trump, and recent secret meeting between the CIA director and Kim in the DPRK.  In addition to the historic handshake and photo-op at the DMZ, the talks between the two men have reportedly produced equally remarkable developments; including a reported offer by Kim to shut down his nuclear weapons program in exchange for an end to the war and US pledge of non-aggression. While the North Koreans have a long history of perfidiousness and empty rhetoric, the events of the past months seem to offer greater promise of a favorable outcome.
While the ruling political cartel of Republicrats argue about who is to take credit for the recent developments and snipe on cable news about who knows best how to proceed, Americans should take this moment to re-think (or rather think about for the first time) our government’s self-appointed role as world policeman and sole arbiter of right and wrong.  Whether President Trump’s aggressive tone, sending his CIA director to meet with Kim, and exchange of playground insults with the North Korean dictator have produced the result, or whether President Moon deserves all the credit for his determined efforts to foster better relations, is not nearly as important as ending this vestigial proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union – a state which ceased to exist a quarter century ago.
Presidents from both parties have failed to stop the North Koreans from obtaining the atomic bomb and been repeatedly bamboozled by both Presidents Kim Jong-un and his predecessor and father, Kim Jong-il.  The frightful and evil nature of the North Korean regime is undeniable, but socialist and other tyrannical governments around the world have atrocious human rights records, and many of them have been or currently enjoy status as American allies.  Moreover, our bankrupt federal government cannot afford to police the world and impose the glories of American-style liberty at the barrel of a gun.  
Regardless of whether of our 65-year deadlocked war against the North Korean and Chinese communist forces was justified or necessary in 1950, the South Koreans have long since outgrown their need for a US military presence.  The south has a GDP 36 times as large as the north and a powerful military armed with the latest technology.  The North does have a 2-to-1 advantage in troops and artillery pieces, but its equipment and air forces are hopelessly obsolete.
Since the Clinton Administration, the dispute between the US and North Korea has centered around the North’s efforts to create a nuclear weapons program and the sanctions imposed on North Korea in retaliation.  The north has long feared a US-led invasion from the south – a fear greatly exacerbated by the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and our undeclared war against Libya.  Like Iran and other states under continuing rhetorical threats of military aggression from the US government,
the North Korean Stalinists have sought The Bomb as insurance against a US attack.  Think former UN Ambassador and current National Security Advisor John Bolton (or Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, et al.) repeatedly calling for attacks on Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, and Syria either explicitly or using the ubiquitous vague threat, “military option” and the proverbial “all options are on the table.” 
While North Korean communists are notoriously inscrutable, and their possession of nukes is appalling, it is not hard to understand Mr. Kim’s desire for such an insurance policy.  The US has never attacked a state possessing a nuclear bomb or nearing completion of one.  Further, even though Libyan dictator Muamar Qaddafi voluntarily gave up his WMD program under US pressure in 2003, America bombed his military into rubble and he wound up being dragged through the streets, viciously beaten, humiliated, and shot to death by rebels less than eight years later; with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously laughing aloud on camera upon receiving the news of his death, saying, “We came, we saw, he died.”
The position of every Republicrat administration boils down to a standoff where the communists say they don’t trust America and want an end to sanctions and the war before denuclearization, while the American government does not trust the North Koreans and demands an end to their nuclear program before substantive discussions can take place. Meanwhile all previous US presidents have ruled out ever talking with the North Korean president, as this would “give legitimacy” to a totalitarian ruler; in the belief that being photographed with the elected king of America lends unwarranted gravitas to tin-pot dictators. This is our government’s position despite the fact that US presidents have glad-handed with mass-murderers and dictators for 75 years; from Indonesia’s Suharto, to General Pinochet of Chile, General Branco of Brazil, Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran, The Islamist kings of Arabia, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem, and even former South Korean President and killer of 100,000 civilians, Park Chung Hee.
So, regardless of membership in either wing of the Republicrat cartel, or one’s personal opinion of the current president’s personality, hair color, or Twitter etiquette, Americans should press their government to put an end to this war, and eliminate the nuclear threat from the DPRK though negotiations and removing the north’s perceived need for such weapons, by extricating ourselves from a civil war that has brought such deep and prolonged sorrow to the Korean people.  Perhaps then we can begin to talk about an exit strategy for World War II and pull our troops out of Germany and Japan 73 years after the conflict, and 26 years after the end of the Cold War.
<![CDATA[Federal Fatherhood Panda]]>Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:14:24 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/federal-fatherhood-pandaPictureDo you need the state to remind you to be a dad?
Out for a morning run today, I was affronted by a taxpayer financed billboard urging me to “Take time to be a dad today.”  If you’re one of the fifty percent of the population that pays federal income tax, you paid for this nonsense, and likely hundreds or even thousands of similar helpful reminders across the country.

The billboard advertises the feds’ website, fatherhood.gov, that you also pay for.  This site fulfills the states’ self-appointed duty to instruct its subjects in the proper way to parent.  It provides all sorts of tips on how to be a dad, like playing in the rain and having a dance contest with your kids.  The fatherhood.gov site is maintained by the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse, which is overseen by the Office of Family Assistance, which is an office of the Office of the Administration for Children and Families, which is an office of the US Department of Health and Human Services.  These ridiculous, extra-constitutional agencies employ thousands of people collecting salaries and benefits at your expense, while their entire job consists of giving away your money to other people, and dreaming up more and more absurd ways of wasting your tax dollars on boondoggles like fatherhood.gov and billboards reminding fathers to be fathers.

If you have any doubt that our government is out of control and gone completely off the rails, you can be easily reminded when you drive by Kung-Fu Panda telling you to be a good dad.  I would invite anyone to find justification for this insanity in the constitution or its amendments.  Nowhere does that document even mention families or children other than a reference to future generations in the preamble.  Regardless of the lack of any justification in law, it is inconceivable to me that here in the cradle of human liberty, we have fallen to the point where we look to government bureaucrats to school us on how to raise or children, and that we allow the government to use public money for such nonsense.

While our federal overlords apparently believe that women need no instruction on how to be mothers (There is no motherhood.gov), the USDA does have a program to teach Hispanic women the importance of breastfeeding with their,

 “…Promotion and Education Project, “Breastfeeding: A Magical Bond of Love.” This project provides WIC staff with culturally appropriate tools to effectively communicate with Hispanic participants about the benefits of breastfeeding. The project targets Hispanic mothers and families to identify and address their barriers, dispel myths, and encourage mothers to continue their historical tradition of breastfeeding.”

Exactly why our betters concluded that Hispanic women don’t breastfeed enough is not explained on the website or in the literature.

Keep in mind that these bits of absurdity are only the smallest of examples of the kind of waste and abuse that goes on all day, every day, across the breadth of an entire continent.  These ludicrous wastes of resources are perpetrated by an army of millions of federal bureaucrats who think that they know better than you how to be a parent, how to use your land, and even dictate what light bulbs, shower heads, and toilets you will be permitted to use.  These overlords have written more than thirty thousand pages of laws that no citizen or their representatives have ever voted on; so many that researchers estimate that the average American now commits an average of three felony crimes per day.  James Madison understood this form of tyranny, writing in The Federalist Number 62, “It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.”  We have long since crossed the threshold into this dysfunctional world, and no amount of voting for Democrat or Republican politicians will even begin to reverse it.  Only rekindling the American spirit and thirst for freedom will throw off this creeping soft tyranny that sometimes takes the form of inane buffoonery; like a government panda telling you how to be a father.

<![CDATA[The Lesson of the Trump Presidency]]>Sat, 06 May 2017 00:01:15 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/the-lesson-of-the-trump-presidencyPictureThe lesson is not what you think it is.
Donald Trump has completed his first 100 days as president of the United States.  In that time he has struck terror into the hearts of the American left who have branded him a racist, homophobe, and Fascist.  He has simultaneously disappointed many of his supporters by failing to get congress to repeal Obamacare, and starting a war with Syria.  There are many lessons to be learned by the controversies swirling around the Trump presidency, but you won’t hear any of them discussed in the national media.

The overriding lesson to be learned by the right and left and the pro and anti Trumpsters is the nature of power and what happens when a centralized national government assumes too much power.  For eight years of the George W. Bush presidency, America’s leftists and Democrats railed against Bush’s policies of illegal surveillance, terrorist detentions, tax cuts, and extra-judicial assassinations of terror suspects.  This was followed by eight years of the Obama presidency, one of the most lawless and secretive administrations in history, and which witnessed mass illegal surveillance, accelerated and expanded drone assassinations around the planet, indefinite terrorist detentions, and aggressive prosecution of government whistle-blowers.  The American right watched in horror as the federal government seized control of the medical industry, left Iraq without an American military presence, and doubled the national debt (With the full cooperation of the Republican Party).

Now comes the Trump presidency, which is unprecedented in modern American history; not since Andrew Jackson won the election of 1828 has such an iconoclastic populist outsider occupied the White House.  Trump is in the unusual position of being despised by the elites of both the opposition Democrats and his own Republican Party.  He ran mainly as a conservative, appealing to traditional American values of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and modern America’s powerful currents of chauvinism and militarism.  Now once again it is the left’s turn to watch in horror Trump’s efforts to repeal Obamacare, lower taxes, end illegal immigration, and reduce governmental regulations; all the while of course hurling the standard charges of racism and homophobia.

As this back and forth political theater plays out every eight years in presidential administrations and congressional chest beating, the American people as a whole are watching their economy, infrastructure, and social fabric disintegrate before their eyes.  Those Americans who have been trying to reverse the American leftist counterrevolution since electing Ronald Reagan in 1980, have placed their hope in two Bushes and now Trump.  Americans who want the government to control all aspects of human existence in order to enforce their concept of equality and fairness and usher in utopia have had sixteen years of the Clinton and Obama administrations to achieve their ends.

Yet despite the past 37 years of political savagery, pronouncements of the end of days with the election of one president or another, and the shifting control of congress between Republicans and Democrats, America has continued on a very steady course toward ruin; a downward spiral which will ultimately consume us all.  The lesson to be learned is the nature of political power and the danger it poses to human happiness and liberty; a lesson we seemed doomed to never learn.  We live under an all-powerful government that recognizes no real limits on its power and views the constitution as an irrelevant museum piece.  This government is 100 percent controlled by a political cartel known as the Republican and Democrat Parties - no other viewpoints are permitted.

In this piece, I am using the terms left and right in the most simplistic terms, denoting the media-defined dichotomy between so-called conservatives and liberals.  This is another part of the lesson of the nature of power; it divides people into competing groups for the purpose of manipulation.  We see ourselves as competing groups; left versus right, white versus black versus Latino, straight versus gay, Republican versus Democrat.  What we fail to see as a society is that we are all arguing about the wrong things.  We are passengers on a train hurtling toward a destination not of our choosing, with none of us having any control over where it goes, nor even any knowledge of who’s actually driving the locomotive.  We are in the steerage class cars fighting and clawing at one another’s throats over issues like gay marriage and whether or not to say Merry Christmas, while the engineers and their few corporate cronies live it up at our expense in the first class cabins up front.

We, as a society, are arguing from a false premise; that is that government is the solution to every problem.  Sure, Republicans generally talk a good game about “limited government,” but they still want to order society and control people’s behavior - just a little less than Democrats and in slightly different ways.  Democrats and Republicans have enjoyed periods of complete control of both the presidency and congress several times over the past four decades and what has changed?  The income tax has remained and grown ever more complicated and burdensome; we continue to maintain a global military empire we cannot afford, with troops stationed in nearly every country on the planet; we continue to start wars and engage in acts of war around the globe, yet have not won a war since 1945; both parties conspire to raise our debt limit time and time again - albeit with a bit of kabuki theater these days; our infrastructure is crumbling; our wages have stagnated for decades; and the web of laws and regulations we struggle beneath grows more complex and soul crushing with every passing year.

The lesson is this; government is a necessary evil, not a force for good.  This is the maxim that underpinned the American Revolution and set humans free for the first time in the history of civilization.  This simple understanding - that humans are endowed with the right to be free from the hand of government and to pursue their own course in life, insofar as they do not interfere with the same rights of others - catapulted the entire western world from subsistence farming and the horse and buggy, to modern luxury and men on the moon in less than 200 years.  George Washington said it best when he described the nature of government power, “like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

This is the lesson for Trump cheerleaders and Obama worshippers alike.  All of you that are still staring, mouth agape, in horror at the ascension of Trump to the presidency, and cringe in shock and outrage at his every word and action, now know what the other half of the country felt like for the past eight years under Obama.  Yet neither side seems to be able to grasp the lesson that it is the vast and unchecked power of government that is the problem - not the transient occupant of the White House.  Rather than stand together for human liberty and against tyranny, Republicans and Democrats, right and left, conservatives and liberals, struggle to seize the mantle of power and use it to bash in the skulls of their opponents.

Meanwhile, the people who really control the government carry on unseen and unmoved by the political theater played out in the entertainment news media.  Those on the left cannot see that eight decades of socialism has failed, and will not usher in the utopia they anticipated; instead they clamor for the government to seize more power to enforce their version of fairness.  They express outrage at dragnet government surveillance, illegal wars, and drone assassinations under George W. Bush, yet fully support Barack Obama’s dragnet government surveillance, illegal wars, and drone assassinations.  Those on the right cannot see that the nature of state power is the problem and that simply fighting for control of government institutions is not a solution.  They demand “limited government” yet many want to ban gays from marrying one another, and jail people for burning a flag or smoking or eating certain plants.

Were America to return to being a constitutional federal republic as we once were, Donald Trump being president would not be such a cause for either alarm or celebration.  If our federal and state governments concerned themselves with the business of government - that is protecting our natural rights to life, liberty, and property - we would not be arguing about things like who can marry whom and what bathroom a cross-dresser should use.  We would not need to fear the person who sits in the White House, because he or she would not have the power to pick up the telephone on a whim and launch a war; whether that president is Obama attacking Libya or Trump bombing Syria.  We would not need to fight desperately for control of the state to get public money for the things we want; because we could keep the money we honestly earned, rather than having it vacuumed up by the IRS for distribution by the federal congress.  We would not have a backlash of hatred against our police officers because they would no longer be aggressively trying to arrest people for having a joint in their pocket or failing to fasten their seatbelt.  We would no longer argue about which country to invade next, but rather would return to a foreign policy of peaceful coexistence with all nations as we did for our first 122 years as a country.

Sadly, we seem doomed to never learn the lesson.  Our arguments are not about freedom versus tyranny, but about how best to use the brute force of the state to order society.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Under George W. Bush and Republican and Democrat-controlled congresses, the national debt nearly doubled from $5.7 trillion to $10.6 trillion.  During the Obama administration and Republican and Democrat-controlled congresses, the national debt nearly doubled again from $10.6 to $19.9 trillion.  Today, American voters have the anti-Obama as president and a Republican-controlled congress, yet the current budget passed by congress calls for adding half a trillion dollars to the national debt, increases spending for nearly every government agency, and has no provision to build Trump’s signature border wall.  Obama’s “opponents” in the Republican Party, now in the majority in congress, have not repealed his odious government healthcare law, but rather have simply passed their own version of nationalized healthcare.  President Trump ran on keeping the US out of the Syrian civil war, and yet was convinced to jump in with both feet in less than 100 days by the people who actually control our government.  Like the man said, “If voting made any difference, it would be illegal.”

While the left screams for free college and medical care, and the right demands more wars and no transvestites in public toilets, and Americans sit mesmerized by split-screen cable news bickering between party mouthpieces, our collective freedom and wealth is being drained away.  The Federal Reserve continues to print worthless currency, bleeding the value out of the dollars we possess and placing it in the hands of their corporate benefactors; the welfare state and its bureaucracy continue to expand, and the military-industrial complex continues to grow and prosper as hundreds of billions flow from your paycheck directly into the bank accounts of defense contractors.

Frédéric Bastiat said it best more than 150 years ago; “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”  Instead of the law being used strictly to protect our lives, liberty, and property, it has become a club that we struggle to wrest from our opponents’ hands to beat them with it in our turn.  Bastiat too saw this potential, “As long as it is admitted that the law may be diverted from its true purpose - that it may violate property instead of protecting it - then everyone will want to participate in making the law, either to protect himself against plunder or to use it for plunder.” 

Unless and until Americans wake up and realize that the game is rigged, and start having debates based upon principles rather than policies and which government boondoggles to fund, we will continue to be ruled by the shadow government that takes very little notice of all our howling and protesting.  We passengers viciously fighting in that train will be driven right off the cliff, without ever knowing who was driving the train we rode to our destruction.

<![CDATA[Why Hillary Walked]]>Sun, 17 Jul 2016 21:59:14 GMThttp://todddouglasonline.com/blog/why-hillary-walkedPictureSurprise! Hillary walks on felony charges...
The director of the FBI announced this month that Hillary Clinton is guilty of each and every element of the statute regarding the handling of classified information - and that she should not be prosecuted.  Rather than lay out the very clear facts of the case, I have decided to attempt to explain why and how such a travesty can take place right out in the open.

The few people left in the United States who are capable of surprise or outrage when it comes to the corruption of our governmental officials are, rightly, flabbergasted and disgusted by this bald-faced act of political corruption on the part of the FBI and the Justice Department.  What these people fail to realize is that American culture cast aside all concerns about morality and integrity decades ago.  When Hillary’s husband was found to have had an adulterous affair with a young subordinate, and performed deviant sexual acts inside the Oval Office, his popularity surged.  He lied to the American people repeatedly, was impeached by congress, and still left office with a 66 percent approval rating.

The American people simply do not expect honesty from their leaders - or from anyone else for that matter.  We live in a society in terminal decline that worships nihilism and fame as the highest achievement in life.  Look at the popularity of movies such as Good Fellas ­ and television programs like The Sopranos that celebrate and glamorize the vicious sociopaths of the Italian Mafia.  When our culture celebrates Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner as the epitome of courage, the Kardashian girls as heroes and role models, and thrill to MMA savagery as entertainment, is it any wonder that millions worship Hillary despite the three decades of scandal, corruption, and criminality she has left in her wake?

The bottom line is that Americans not only do not demand integrity in their public officials - they do not value it in the slightest.  They fully expected the FBI to play its designated role in the political cover up, for James Comey to take his direction from the corrupt attorney general, who received her marching orders from Don Clinton in a secluded meeting on a private jet. 

The people who support Hillary, or Bernie Sanders, or any other socialist politician are totally unfazed by revelations of criminality and corruption.  You could prop their eyelids open and play all the Facebook side-by-side videos of Hillary lying on one side and the proof of her lies on the other, and they would still enthusiastically vote for her.  Integrity is not the standard by which our leaders are judged - they are judged by the voter’s impression of how effective that person will be in using the monolithic power of government in ways that will benefit them.  Any candidate who combines fame with the perceived ability to put other people’s money into their pockets will win the hearts of the rabble.  They could be filmed bashing a puppy’s skull in with a shovel and receive 70 million votes in November.

Ignorance and intellectual dishonesty are the staples of American political life.  While it is more pronounced in the Democrat Party because of their allegiance to socialist philosophy, which embraces the maxim “the ends justify the means,” Republican elites and their partisans also display this characteristic.  The American people reflect this behavior, and in their apathy and ignorance, allow it to thrive and perpetuate.

So do not be surprised at the naked corruption on display here; but also do not give up.  We must continue the fight against those who have hijacked the American Revolution and turned it into a creeping tyranny run by two criminal cartels known as Republicans and Democrats.
